Monday, July 8, 2013
Which thought am I?
My foot fell asleep quickly, my upper back was felt sore, my attention went to my thoughts most of the time, I observed it all as neutrally as possible, I confess I adjusted my posture twice (that was a yogi joke, laugh now). After guiding us (60 or 70 fellow meditators) through the sit, the intrustor gave a very helpful darma talk on what it is to practice mindfullness. He quoted the Buddha in saying that 50 or 70 percent of the 'work' is becoming aware that we are identified with thought. 'Letting Go' of the attachement happens naturally as soon as the light of awareness shines. When we are identified with our thoughts we believe we are our thoughts. I was kindly reminded of what a silly concept this is ?!?!
Which thought am I? Consider all of the ridculous, innaproriate, fantasy, rude, generous, kind, joyful thoughts a human has in...oh... 10 mintues. Do any of these thoughts define who am I am? No.
To identify with each passing thought leads to suffering and frustration, feeling unsettled and never grounded. The mind is never grounded, moving from one attachement to the next to the next to the next. In one beautiful breath of awareness we see the silly ramblings of the mind and become the observer. I am the observer. The one watching, noticing... and through exercising this mindfullness muscle the heart learns not to cling to every thought. Hold the thought, honor it, watch it pass. Life gets easier, we see situations exactly as they are. This moment overflows with Acceptance, Joy, Peace, Love.
This morning I woke up and wove my field (my new morning ritual I learned at school) and did a 15 minute sit.
love to all.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Beginners Mind
I can think a situation or idea to death, trying so hard to figure it out, search forever for the perfect answer. Stop. Trust. Let go. In acquiring a "beginners mind" I surrender needing to know everything, needing to be perfect. I admit deeply to myself that I know just a teeny-tiny fraction of the infinite, ever-expanding universe. I am naive to many subjects. It's a conscious choice to approach life with a sense of wonder and curiosity, available right now. Trusting that nothing is coincedence and in even the darkest hour there is great opportunity for soul growth.
Join me! Throw up your sails and ride the wind.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Katie to Kate
As many of you have noticed and so graciously adapted is that I've decided to start being called Kate more often now then Katie. Katie feels younger, innocent, dependent on others, tended to blend in, put the needs of others in front of her own... Kate is more bold, has traveled more, is more independent, can stand for her truth, feels the divine within... I could go on...
I went through a period of feeling an uncomfortable duality within. Teetering back and forth between Katie and Kate. A freaky feeling. Fear of change! oh no! I fear change just like everyone else! crap.
In the past I was trapped within myself. Covered by veils of insecurities, self-doubt, worry, fear (more details at a later date of the AMAZING healings I've experienced over the last couple years, thank you teachers near and far). Through my healing journey I reclaim parts of my soul that were misplaced during traumatic times, in this lifetime and past. The more whole I am in myself the healthier I am.
Monday, July 1, 2013
A declaration of Intention!
Katie Awake Online
I midwife my clients through soul birth of their infinite potential; through and beyond childhood and past life trauma. The result for them is more happiness now, more pleasure in their bodies, soul mate relationships, more money & the birth of their sacred work further into the world
Ways to work with me:
Full year or 90 days of unlimited quantum healing & soul coaching.
Individual sessions of 3 hours or 1 hour.
Women Remember ♥️πΉ a monthly membership that is an all access pass to my best trauma healing and soul birth work. Plus a continuously growing library of audio healings & trainings that I add to every month. $55/ month. No contract; stay as long as you feel called to.
Free group quantum healing in my Facebook group + more intimate live videos with me:
Facebook @Katie Awake
Instagram @katie_awake
In massive & indestructible love,
The dishes can wait.
Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...

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I took my first yoga classes in 2008 after Graduating from college at yogafresh in Woodbury. These first heated yoga classes blew me away. ...
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